Historic 3-Gun was developed by Wild Bunch shooters who were disappointed in the direction WB was headed and wanted to continue to shoot their game while being allowed to develop it the way they and their fellow shooters wished.
The number one rule in H3G is and aways will be: SAFETY.
While some of the procedures may seem different for some, every one of the rules have already been proven safe through their use in other action shooting sports.
Some of the changes we are trying, include:
There are no minor safety violations (an oxymoron) or stage disqualifications. Breaking a minor rule will result in a procedural penalty. All safety infractions will result in a match disqualification.
Under certain circumstances a shooter can be awarded more than one procedural penalty per stage.
You may move with a loaded gun provided the barrel is pointed down range and the finger is clearly and obviously outside the trigger guard.
If qualified, a shooter may choose to start with the pistol holstered in Condition 1 (cocked and locked).
The individual match director has ultimate authority on all issues including whether they are implemented at their home range.
While it is impossible to please all the people all the time, H3G aims to listen to all shooters and respond to suggestions expeditiously when they are in the best interest of the majority.
Nobody in this organization gets paid, so money is not the driving force. Having fun while safely enjoying our sport is our mission.
Every second sunday and every fourth saturday
ENtry Fee, $15 for gun club members
$17 for nonmembers
WInter Hours (NOV-MAR):
Set-up at 9:00 AM, Live FIRe Begins at 10:00 AM
SUmmer Hours (APR-OCT):
Set-up at 8:00 AM, Live FIRe Begins at 9:00 AM
April 11-13, 2025
oklahoma City, OK
Hosted by the Oklahoma Rough Riders
schedule here
Main match round count here
More information to come
Online applications closed
contact hondo at 405.694.5670 for info
The wait is over! Historic 3 Gun is a bonafide organization. Introducing an exciting new shooting sport to the action shooting world.
Historic 3-Gun (H3G) is now open for membership. Visit for more information. Read information here for more information on H3G. To see those who had the vision to start H3G, go to About Us on the drop-down menu. While our focus is on the 1911 and pump shotgun, see all the other exciting firearms you may use by clicking on Divisions. To join, first fill out and submit the form at New Membership Registration, then go to Buy Membership to pay.
The era for Historic 3-Gun is from 1900 through to WWII, with a focus on the 1915 era, allowing uniforms, clothing and firearms from that period. Most of our shooters wear cowboy clothing or uniforms from the early 1900s.
Historic 3-Gun is true to the 3-gun concept with high round counts and movement. If you like shooting and moving, you’ll love H3G. It is not a fitness sport, nor is it a bullseye sport, it is a fun action shooting sport, using iconic firearms from the early 1900s.
If you like USPSA or Wild Bunch, you’ll love Historic 3-Gun. We have combined the best of both into an exciting standalone shooting sport. This unique sport harnesses the ability of the competitor to use either set of rules they are trained in without penalty.
We have six divisions based on what you shoot. All six of the divisions use the 1911 pistol and an 87, 97 or M12 shotgun but use different rifles. The 6th division, aptly named Bootlegger, allows a wide assortment of handguns, rifles and shotguns in various calibers and gauges. Each division competes only against itself and not against other divisions. There are no overall winners in H3G.
We shoot in squads. Every member of the squad pitches in to help with spotting, timing, picking up brass or scorekeeping. We welcome you to attend this incredibly fun and entertaining new shooting sport! Talk or text with any of the H3G directors to learn how to bring H3G to your club and area.
Recent state and national matches
Looking for 2024 historic 3-gun showdown Oklahoma state championship
SCORES? Click here
The Oklahoma Rough Riders
The Oklahoma Rough Riders shoot Historic 3-Gun style, similar to the old Wild Bunch. We are a division of the Oklahoma City Gun Club. We shoot every second Sunday and fourth Saturday of every month. Come shoot with us!
how do i get started?
Come and shoot! We encourage prospective shooters to come and observe a match before purchasing any gear. Our club members readily carry spare ammunition and guns for new players. The few things required are eye and ear protection, as well as close-toed shoes and appropriate range clothing. Oh, and an alias!
Oklahoma City Gun Club
24301 Hiwassee Road, Arcadia, Oklahoma 73007
Note: the entrance is located north of the shotgun range On the west side of the road.
Google maps is an approximation to the entrance